When you think of website hosting think of a computer,
your computer… that the world has access to,
at least the public files that you choose to reveal.
Now you can self manage this yourself eg – WordPress
Or pay for a Software as a Service – SAAS solution eg – Wix
Of course there are advantages and disadvantages to both.
At the end of the day it is about being available to your tribe to serve them and expand your fan base.
If your not very techy then the SAAS solution is the quickest way to get your webpages happening.
It will cost a little more and may not (depending on which solution you go with)
allow for the customisation or as later you discover have the features you need.
But it works and you can setup your pages and website quickly.
So the Website Hosting on a Web server Route is the option that we use for 99 percent of what we require.
Having said that we do use SAAS solutions for particular projects
cause we can’t do better and it suits us to make it happen fast.
So with the Web Hosting option you get a server (think computer workstation)
It runs an operating system that is usually Linux based
although some corporate businesses do use Windows.
And then there is a User Interface that lets you run Apps to do your work.
In this instance the Apps we run are
Email Service for all your email accounts,
Your WordPress App to serve your Webpages
As well as system backup software and analytics reporting
For example this page was created using the
Elementor Pro Drag and Drop WebPage Builder Plugin
installed in WordPress
running on a Hepsia VPS Server.
So is this the only hosting you will need?
Probably not…
So for fast delivery it is best to host your video files elsewhere,
such as a specialist video streaming host like YouTube.
So the levels of hosting as your business grows are
we start with a Shared Hosting Account which offer the best value
and the system resources are shared between you and the other users on the server.
If you are not seeing as lot of traffic and you just have a basic website this is
a practical and cost effective way to host your online activities.
The next level up is the VPS server route
VPS means virtual private server
where you are allocated dedicated resources, traffic allocation
and you are not sharing with anyone.
This is what I use and recommend for any business where the online part of
what you do is growing and it is easy to upgrade as demand increases.
So Shared Hosting costs start at around $5 a month
Where a VPS Hosting Solution starts from around $18 a month
So to give you examples as we use what we recommend
This site is hosted on a Hepsia VPS server and costs around $70 a month.
I at one stage ran over a 1000 websites on this Hepsia Server.
It is equivalent to the KVM3 Linux Hosting Package
CanDoWeb’s businesswebsitehost.com.au,
is hosted on the Pro Plan Shared Server Plan
which also hosts the Little Big Ole Me Website
You don’t have to put all your eggs in one basket.
You can have multiple websites hosted on a web server.
Targeting specific niches with specific solutions.
Neither CanDoWeb or Nigel Kentish are in any way related to or endorsed by Facebook, Google, or any other 3rd party platform
Disclosure: Some links on this website may be affiliate links. If you make a purchase through one of our affiliate links, we may earn a commission.We only endorse products and services we use or trust.
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